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Media Highlight: Interview with Spectrum News Thumbnail

Media Highlight: Interview with Spectrum News

Brett sat down recently with Viktoria Hallikäär of Spectrum News 1 Buffalo to discuss market volatility, inflation, and how it might impact consumers. 

In the interview, he touched on the importance of spending your energy on things you can control: your investment mix, the concept of rebalancing, maintaining a cash buffer, and how to save on taxes when markets are bumpy.

Check out the full segment below!

Western NY financial planner addresses concerns over current stock market volatility

Brett Koeppel is a fee-only Buffalo financial advisor, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM , and the founder of Eudaimonia Wealth.  Eudaimonia Wealth is a fee-only, fiduciary, Buffalo financial planner and wealth management firm dedicated to helping families prepare for and transition into retirement by providing independent, objective financial planning and investment management advice.